Sandalwood - Santalum Album
Sandalwood - Santalum Album
Plant/Part: Tree, Inner Heartwood
Latin Name: Santalum Album
Note: Base
Planet: Uranus
Extraction: Distillation
Properties: Anti-depressant, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Carminative, Diuretic, Emollient, Expectorant, Sedative, Tonic
Effects and Benefits
Mind & Emotions: An extremely relaxing and soothing oil which treats nervous tension and anxiety. Professedly helpful in dealing with obsessional attitudes and emotions, and is useful in cutting ties with the past. Brings about peace and acceptance, helping to clear old karma and emotional baggage. The scent is woody, sweet, reminiscent of rose, with a spicy, oriental undertone which may promote a sense of well-being and calmness. Can be used during meditation to ground oneself, or in times of deep focus and concentration.
Body: Sandalwood is known to treat dis-eases of the genito-urinary system, alleviating cystitis when applied topically in the kidney region. It has a purifying and anti-inflammatory action on the mucous membranes. Its bitter tonics is used in herbal medicine to treat illnesses of the stomach by stimulating digestion. Because of its Aphrodisiac qualities, sandalwood decreases sexual impotency by increasing sexual desire. Known as the 'love potion'. Is useful in promoting vaginal secretions and may well have a cleansing action associated with the sexual organs and the reproductive system.
Skin: Known by the ancients as the "Liquid Gold" of beauty and skin care. It is one of many sacred oils used within the Queen's chamber. An extraordinary cosmetic ingredient. Used as an anti-aging product due to its softening effects on the skin. Sandalwood is a 'must have' in the beauty industry. Because of its anti-inflammatory/anti-septic properties, it is used to treat and relieve itching and reduces acne. Can be used to treat blisters and infected wounds. Hydrates dry and thirsty skin. Excellent for treating skin conditions such as eczema. Reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
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